Monday, September 21, 2015

My face normal

Right side of my face

Left side of my face

Yearbook Video review

Our story was about: Our Story  was about not being able to order a yearbook and our main character getting mad then proceeding to leave the area.

The idea for the story came from: Julian and his huge gains not getting a year book

Percentage of the story concept that I was responsible for: I created the Imovie and edited all the photos in photoshop
 The protagonist in our story is: Julian

The antagonist in our story is: Nobody

The type of conflict in our story is: Not being able to get the yearbook because they are unavailable

The climax of our story is when: Julian gets mad and storms out the building

How does the story resolve itself?: Julian storms outside of the building

The resolution of our story is (comic? tragic? etc.)(Describe): it is comic because Julian gets mad and storms out

List any elements of exposition (Rising Action) in your story: Julian joins walks in. Rising action when Julian sees the sign and gets mad. The resolution is when Julian decides to walk out.