Friday, December 11, 2015

Response to question

Question: How do you feel the popularity of cell phones embedded with high-quality cameras has changed the nature of photography?
I think that cell phones have revolutionized our world of photography. Cell phones are portable high quality cameras that people always have handy. The nature of photography has been enhanced by the use of filters, zoom, panorama, snap shorts. Cell phones are in your pocket traveling with you 99.9% of the time and out can pull it out and snap a picture that is clear and HD. Cell phone cameras are extremely easy to use compared to some cameras and are light and small. Camera company stocks have decreased as cell phone companies have made their phone with better cameras. 

Consider not only today, but also what you know about the early days of the medium and the lengths photographers went to get the images they envisioned. 

Thursday, December 3, 2015

Conceptual Image

Conceptual Responses

In this image, memories, shown through the pictures, are getting shot out of a teenage boy's head, by the camera, resulting in his pictures in his mind.The lighting in the image is lighter so that the photos stand out more in the lighter background. The conceptual concepts that stand out are the past invents in the small photographs in the picture. 

In this picture there is a shadow shown on the wall. Whats interesting in the picture is the alien is in a spaceship painted on the wall with as graffiti. The lighting in the picture is what made it possible because the sunlight was able to cast that shadow for the image. The allien is a supernatrual creature in the fantasy graffiti on the wall.

Thursday, November 12, 2015


Tuesday, November 10, 2015

The Power of Internet Images

Below is an Instagram screenshot from the account of one Jenny Wanderlust.  Like so many people, Jenny has shared a few far-from-random images in an effort to portray herself in a particular light.

Based solely on the photographs she chose to post,what is the image that Jenny is trying to project?...Adventurous? Curious? Brave? 
Jenny is brave, adventurous, curious, smart, good photographer

Do you think she was successful?
Yes i think she was successful. Her photographs turned out amazing and show her personality and what type of person she is.

Do you think that Jenny is someone who would be a good role model? A good mother? A good wife? A good friend?  
I think jenny goes by the saying that you only live once because se makes the most out of life. I don'ts think that she would be the best mother because of the third picture looking dangerous on the top of a building. I think that jenny would be an awesome friend because she likes having fun and making the most out of life.

Monday, November 9, 2015

Answers to the picture #2

Image 2

Image 3

How does this change in viewpoint change your interpretation of the image?

With that in mind, describe Helnwein's image in as much detail as you can and in a separate post, record your answers on your Blog. Look at the image closely (Click on it to enlarge). What do you see? Describe it as if you were recounting it in detail to someone who had never seen it. Think about the scale--how could the size affect the meaning?  Think about the material, the logistics and engineering of mounting it.  Is it one contiguous image or is it spliced together or can't you tell? Think about the location--is it urban? Rural? Residential? Industrial? Given the image's location, who do you think will see the it? Who is the intended audience? Describe the mood of the image. What is the expression on the girl's face? Is it blase? Is it engaged? Is it optimistic? Wondering? Melancholy? 

The image is very high resolution. The image is of a girl with grey eyes a button nose and dirty blonde hair.In image three there is a car that is driven by the worker putting up the image on the building.The image is poster on the wall of a building thats on a dock on the water. As the size of the image is compared to the regular size of the people it shows how important the meaning of the image is. I believe this image has many pieces to it and is flattened as one image. It looks like it is made out of giant poster board. I believe that the image is definitely in a urban area because its on the side of a big building where theres people.  I believe that people in boats and many workers will see the image. The intended audience is people coming over seas to the city to see their children again. The expression on the girls face is hope and wondering if one day she'll get to see someone she cares for again. 

Friday, October 30, 2015

Picture Response

Describe the image as closely as you can.  Write your description on your Blog. What do you think is going on here?  Is this an artistic image or a documentary image (or both)? Is the image Photoshopped? Try to assign meaning to the image. What do you think the photographer's intent was? What does the image say to you? How does the difference in scale between the man and the girl's face add to your interpretation of the photograph.

This is an image of a billboard of a women and a man on a rope hanging with a harness cleaning the "billboard". This picture is designed in photoshop to be placed on a bill board. I believe that this picture is photoshopped by taking a picture of a girl and inserting the man on the rope. The meaning of this image to me is for teenagers with acne and it can be used for a acne cleanser to convey the cleanliness of the product.I think the image was created for the photographers client for an acne company or for makeup. To me it seams that the little man reaches all surface area the face, and he is cleaning just like the product could be used to clean or cover. The size of the man means that the product will have micro beads to clean out your pores. 

Friday, October 23, 2015

Picture Analysis

The first thing that popped up in my mind was how clear the picture was and what it conveyed. This picture included so much height by showing the tree from the ground to the sky. The color of the ground and sky really contrast to give the picture depth. the clarity of the ground gives the picture a rugged texture. The colors in the picture are enhanced from the exposure of the camera. In the picture there are a large amount of blue and tan tones with a small amount of grey tones. This picture makes me feel peace because its calming and warm. This looks like a place you would go if you had needed to clear your mind of any bad thoughts. This gives me a feeling of warmth. This picture can make you feel like you have the freedom to do whatever you want and be free. The amazing thing about this picture is it gives you a clear perception of being there.

Picture Analysis

The first thing that popped up in my mind was how outstanding the picture was. This picture didn't only show depth but it did it with outstanding clarity. The colors are very vibrant and contrast each other to really make the picture pop. The clouds actually show how high up the hills really are. The clouds create the soft texture in the picture. The colors in the picture are enhanced from the exposure of the camera. In the picture there are a large amount of white and black tones with a small amount of grey tones. I don't know why but this gives me the feeling of sadness. This looks like a place you would go if you had a bad day and just needed a place to clear your head. This gives me a feeling of satisfaction. This picture can make you feel better about almost anything. The amazing thing about this picture is it gives you a clear perception of being there.

Monday, September 21, 2015

My face normal

Right side of my face

Left side of my face

Yearbook Video review

Our story was about: Our Story  was about not being able to order a yearbook and our main character getting mad then proceeding to leave the area.

The idea for the story came from: Julian and his huge gains not getting a year book

Percentage of the story concept that I was responsible for: I created the Imovie and edited all the photos in photoshop
 The protagonist in our story is: Julian

The antagonist in our story is: Nobody

The type of conflict in our story is: Not being able to get the yearbook because they are unavailable

The climax of our story is when: Julian gets mad and storms out the building

How does the story resolve itself?: Julian storms outside of the building

The resolution of our story is (comic? tragic? etc.)(Describe): it is comic because Julian gets mad and storms out

List any elements of exposition (Rising Action) in your story: Julian joins walks in. Rising action when Julian sees the sign and gets mad. The resolution is when Julian decides to walk out.