Friday, October 30, 2015

Picture Response

Describe the image as closely as you can.  Write your description on your Blog. What do you think is going on here?  Is this an artistic image or a documentary image (or both)? Is the image Photoshopped? Try to assign meaning to the image. What do you think the photographer's intent was? What does the image say to you? How does the difference in scale between the man and the girl's face add to your interpretation of the photograph.

This is an image of a billboard of a women and a man on a rope hanging with a harness cleaning the "billboard". This picture is designed in photoshop to be placed on a bill board. I believe that this picture is photoshopped by taking a picture of a girl and inserting the man on the rope. The meaning of this image to me is for teenagers with acne and it can be used for a acne cleanser to convey the cleanliness of the product.I think the image was created for the photographers client for an acne company or for makeup. To me it seams that the little man reaches all surface area the face, and he is cleaning just like the product could be used to clean or cover. The size of the man means that the product will have micro beads to clean out your pores. 

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